The Daily Muse
Cross-examines crime and punishment


     You must consider the McVeigh verdict even if you don't want to. The Media, you see, won't let this one go--ever--or at least not until the next prominent case comes along...

     Not that we should for one minute forget that vividly horrible mass murder in Oklahoma City, tiny bodies carted from smoky rubble--Armageddon in the Heartland--but:
     What have we come to when we can do no better than ask the victims' relatives how they feel, whether the 11 guilty verdicts and no doubt chemical lynching of McVeigh, somehow bring "closure" to their shattered lives? Can't we just let them walk out of the courthouse, to share thoughts among themselves, without TV producers herding them to the cameras for the best sound bite?
     After the penalty phase--where McVeigh's service to his country and torn childhood are put up against the weeping survivors for the sake of determining the ultimate punishment: death by societal rage--where will all the TV legal experts we've grown accustomed to go? (Perhaps to the Marcia, Marcia, Marcia Clark Out Law Center in Santa Monica...)
     And (perchance to find humor where none can be) the ultimate disappointment: Now, we'll never get to see McVeigh star in a Ryder commercial.

Atlanta abortion clinic bombing
A day

     We long for the days when a day like Thursday seemed surreal. Now the numbness seems to come a bit more slowly.
     It's still there but waits longer to set in. Maybe the next time it won't come at all.
     Then we'll have nothing between us and the tube. We'll become one with it and when we switch it off, we'll dim ourselves.
     Nobody deserves to happen to them what happened this day to the Coz's kid in L.A. and the unlucky few in Atlanta.

     (We can't even bring ourselves to wonder where Richard Jewell and the LAPD were during all this...)

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