Reprising previous editions of

The Daily Muse

Where real men make virtual war/peace

US troops land in Bosnia

Crossed out 55mph speed limit sign

Top 5 reasons why President Clinton agreed to kill the 55 mph speed limit:

5. Because the Big Three lobbied for more realistic test tracks.

4. He kept hearing Sammy Hagar's "I can't drive 55" rushing through his head.

3. So his motorcades could whisk him more quickly through key Western voting precincts.

2. Studies show Republicans are more likely than Democrats to die in high-speed crashes.

1. To see how fast he could do it.

Great minds think alike at N.Y.C.'s finest tabs

Michael Michael

Newt to Newt: "Bad Newt"

Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich looked at himself in the mirror and apparently didn't like what he saw. According to the Washington Post, the U.S. House speaker is lowering his public profile after deciding that his recent comments aren't doing him much good. The offending remarks included blaming a gruesome murder in Illinois on Democratic social programs, and his public pouting about exit arrangements from Air Force One on the trip with President Clinton to Israel. If this is true, can we expect the Georgia Republican to think before he speaks?
Say it ain't so, Newt!

This has been a short-attention-span editorial


Colin ("I took less time to decide than Cuomo") Powell--if not now, when?

Colin Powell Powell vs. Gore in 2000? Al Gore
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